…weil jede(r) einen Buddy braucht.
Ortner SINNovation
With the month of December a new project was started in the company Ortner. Under the slogan “Ortner SINNovation . . . because everyone needs a buddy”, there are various activities in which employees deal with social and social values. Why? To make the world a better place. Sounds pretty demanding, but it’s the many small steps that make a big difference. The main thing are steps that lead from I to WE.
The first action brought a small team from Ortner to Klagenfurt to the premises of Caritas. Together they prepared a festive lunch table for the homeless. The team planned a menu in advance, which was then cooked and served together.
Our employees obviously enjoyed cooking together. This action has shown that respect and acceptance are the basis for us human beings, that community and meaningful activities promote cooperation and team spirit, and that by helping you get the chance to feel yourself.