A powerful battery system powers the fan and the automatic travel and drive system with a particularly user-friendly Touch-2-Move control module.
The HEPA Cart naturally follows the operator's movements.
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Contamination- free transport of critical products
Mobile Safety Zones. HEPA Carts (laminar flow carts) are designed for contamination-free transport or temporary storage of critical products in cleanrooms or safety zones.
Hazard- free loading and unloading. HEPA Carts are used, among other things, for loading and unloading lyophilization equipment to ensure Annex 1 requirements are met. The loading area can be operated from two sides by means of lockable vertical sliding doors and ensures the greatest possible loading flexibility.
A powerful battery system powers the fan and the automatic travel and drive system with a particularly user-friendly Touch-2-Move control module.
The HEPA Cart naturally follows the operator's movements.