Certificate as familiy-friendly employer
Work & Family
The balance between work and family life is a central concern of the management of Ortner.
By being certified as a family-friendly employer, we are able to strategically implement some family-relevant issues. The focus is not on the award, but on the creation of an authentic framework in order to be able to master the challenges ahead. In addition to the topics at work, this includes sufficient time for rest for all employees, especially parents.
Family orientation is not just a buzzword in the company, but a lived corporate culture, so various part-time models are offered and time-outs, for example due to care obligations, are a matter of course. The biggest lever for a good corporate climate is an interplay of many measures, with daily activities in the foreground. In the coming months, we will be implementing measures again and again, in addition to the subsidized lunch, there will be support for parents and childcare in the summer.