in the pharmaceutical operations
Cleaning and disinfection
In March 2021, the book "Cleaning and Disinfection in Pharmaceutical Operations" was published.
Each of the authors is an expert in his field and looks back on years of lived expertise. In the scientifically based practical book, they shed light on many important aspects of cleaning and disinfection and provide advice for problem solutions and practical tips.
In chapter 7, Mr. Josef Ortner devotes himself to the topic of decontamination of isolators, RABS and rooms. Mr. Ortner not only deals with general principles and influencing factors, but also describes the requirements from the point of view of the authorities, gives a detailed overview of decontamination agents and their effects, and compares H2O2 processes and decontamination procedures. Furthermore, he discusses practical applications and suitable equipment, as well as summarizing aspects of decontamination, which also includes the testing of effectiveness, material compatibility, as well as the classification of danger and validation and the interaction with materials and equipment. Finally, Josef Ortner provides practical examples.
The technical book "Cleaning and Disinfection in Pharmaceutical Operations" can be purchased HERE.